List of Documesnts required for FSSAI License for Manufacturer/Repacker/Relabler
- List of Directors/Partners/Proprietor/Executive members of Society/Trust with full address details and contact details with nomination of authorised Signatory
- Photo I.d and Address Proof issued by Government Authority of Proprietor/ partner(s)/Director(s)/Authorised Signatory
- Proof of Possession of Premises(Sale Deed/Rent Agreement/Electricity Bill etc)
- Partnership Deed/Self Declaration for Proprietorship/Memorandum & Articles of Association towards constitutionof the Firm/Copy of Certificate obtained under Coop Act-1861/Muti State Coop Act-2002 in case of Copperatives
- Form IX: Nomination of person as per clause 2.5 of FSS Rules,2008(not applicable in case of Proprietor)
- Blueprint/Layout Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in metres/ square metres and operation-wise area allocation
- Production Unit Photographs
- Name & List of Equipments and Machinary along with the number,installed capacity and horse power used
- Analysis report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as ingredient in food from a recognised/ [ublic health Laboratory to confirm the potability indicating the name of authorised representative of Lab who collected the sample and date of collecting sample.(Not applicable if water is not eing used as ingredient)
- Recall Plan
- In case of extraction of Ground water, NOC from CGWA as per FSSAI order dated 2nd January 2018 and 11th January 2021